Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yummy Flax Seed Crackers

WOW!! What a delicious taste! These flax seed crackers were made with love by my friend Chris (one of my yogini friends). The flavours of garlic, onion, and savory herbs make this a scrumptious treat. Dehydrated at a very low temperature to preserve living enzymes and vital nutrition. Have these with guacamole, salsa, hummus or simply enjoy on their own.

Benefits of flax seeds:
  • High fiber content.

  • Rich in antioxidants.

  • Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

  • High in vitamins B and magnesium.

  • Protects against heart disease,cancer and high blood pressure.


I will add the recipe here as soon as I get it from Chris. What a lovely treat she made! Chris and I have known each other for half a year now, she is a wonderful, cheerful, kind and great to talk to. Only recently we have learned that we both eat raw and living food diet through my best friend Shanine. Chris's brother Jeff also eats high raw and we got to talk all about it after a yoga class. Today Chris brought these flax crackers and I exchanged it for a piece of date nut torte I made a day ago. She really loved it and so did Shanine and Tamsin. I will also get back to raw desserts another time. It makes it so much easier to eat this way knowing someone who is also choosing raw and living food lifestyle. It is easier when you fall off the raw food wagon as it sometimes happens. Then you can talk to each other and support each other to get back on track. Shanine is also looking more into eating raw and living foods and bless her, she also brought a raw hummus and raw crackers to the studio today. So we were all feasting after our yoga class!!!!!Yoga and raw foods go so well together!

As I am writing this the wonderful smell of kale chips is coming from my dehydrator as they are about to be done. I am looking into learning a lot of new raw food recipes because I am at the point of no return. I can't consciously choose a cooked dish over a raw dish because I KNOW it will make me feel like crap. So I am really not interested in anything cooked right now. I want to transition into 100% raw because it feels incredible. Yes it is hard for me to eat 100% raw all the time but I am determined to give it a go. Maybe I will start with 100% raw for two weeks and then take it from there. Baby steps. I sometimes make a mistake and have "just a little" of something cooked and it never fails-I end up feeling sick.
Last night I went out to Thai restaurant with my yoga sisters. There were 10 of us all friends from our yoga teacher training. We had so much fun chatting, laughing and catching up. I was thinking going in that I would be pretty quiet due to just teaching Restorative yoga class. I get emotional easily and an hour and a half of listening to healing sounds, seeing others rest and heal deeply in the poses and feeling myself go deep within into my heart made me tear up. As soon as I joined my friends I picked up on their joyful and exciting energy. I got so happy that I got to sit close to Shanine. She had some beautiful stories to share from her class.
I ordered papaya salad, which was just the best ever, full of enzymes, really just smiling at me and sending me love. Yet I made a mistake eating a dessert which were lychees (that was the good part) with some sticky coconut rice (not the good part) I got bloated and kept waking up at night not feeling well as I had a feeling of a brick in my stomach. I know it was the rice because I hadn't had any rice for weeks now. So lesson learned. Even "just a little" of cooked food can overload the digestive system and make you feel yucky.

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