Monday, January 26, 2009

Restorative Yoga

There are many reasons to practice restorative yoga. Restorative Yoga can help you release stress, renew and heal. It can help balance emotions and increase self awareness and intuition. It provides a way for you to process mental thoughts and regulate energy flow. Restorative practice has a particular ability to leave you feeling nourished and well rested. It can help you live your life much smoother and help you connect to your soul. Restorative Yoga for me is the same as meditation only in a delicious comfortable and supported poses. It helps me to connect with my deepest self and is an act of self awareness and consciousness. It is similar to meditation in a way that it stills the mind and helps to go beyond the mind, beyond the emotions and right into the core of my being.

I love to go to Shanine's restorative yoga class. It is a lovely treat on my day off each Sunday. Yesterday we were listening to a most beautiful relaxation/meditation music. The light in the studio was gentle and the ambiance was that of healing and peace. Shanine has an amazing gift of creating a safe, loving and nurturing environment. I not only connect with my thoughts and feelings but also I really connect with my baby, meaning I can feel where it is in my belly and sense its presence. Its very beautiful. As we were in a supported child's pose Shanine came around and just walked her hands up and down our backs. When she did it for me it was so gentle. She placed both hands on my sacrum and held the energy there and I felt all this love just flow into me and to the baby. It was so strong and so amazing that my eyes filled up with tears. I was so happy and grateful. I wanted to stay in the pose and not move to wipe the tears so I just let two of them roll down my cheeks. Later on when I told Shanine how it made me feel she said that it was her intention to just send love through Reiki. She is a powerful Reiki master. I noticed that I am more emotional than ever, feeling all this love from and to my baby so that whenever I feel more love like from Shanine my heart is overjoyed and I cry the tears of happiness. I wasn't able to cry from happiness before.

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