Thursday, January 22, 2009

A New Beginning

Today I am 8 weeks pregnant and it is a nice milestone. I also celebrated my 30th b-day yesterday. I am 80% raw since November 24th and on and off raw since 2006. When I first went on a raw food diet I was ecstatic. It felt very natural to me to eat fresh, uncooked fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. I fell in love with the raw food lifestyle but having said that I have gone back to cooked foods on more than one occasion. What is interesting though is that it always makes me want to go back to raw because of the way it makes me feel. I have amazing energy, clear thoughts, clear emotions, physical, mental and emotional strength on raw food diet. I also look years younger which is really just a nice bonus! It is easier for me to stay raw in winter despite the struggle of other raw foodies who find it easier to eat raw in summer. I crave hot and spicy foods in summer so I tend to eat more cooked in the warmer months. I eat some cooked vegan dishes mostly roasted veggies, tofu, miso soup, etc. about 3-4x a month. I don't beat up myself for it but I rather enjoy it and have no problem going back to raw next meal. I think having cooked food is pretty major for most raw foodies because it makes them crave more cooked food and binge on cooked food. I really never have any desire to either have more cooked or binge so it works pretty good for me.

Back in November I decided to go on a one week 100% raw food cleanse that means no cooked food whatsoever and no chocolate. It went so well that I decided to extend it for another week, then another and it ended up being a nice 100% raw food month. After 2 weeks on my cleanse I conceived! I was thrilled as my DH and I were TTC for 5 months. So far I have the most amazing pregnancy with no negative symptoms at all. I have tons of energy, clear dreams and feel great. Most of all I feel very connected to my baby. I practice yoga every day (I am a full time yoga teacher) so I definitely credit how I feel to raw food diet, yoga and natural medicine.
I will blog throughout my pregnancy in hopes that I can learn for my future pregnancies and share with others who are interested in natural raw food pregnancy.

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