Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The most beautiful sound in the world

This morning me and Armando listened to our baby's heart beat for the first time. It was a magical and one of the most amazing moments. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I kept saying "see babe its really there! I wasn't lying! It's really there!!!" Our midwife Rea kept smiling and Armando was just amazed. He said it made it more real to him and he was very moved and teary eyed. We kept looking at each other and smiling and just feeling all this love. When I first heard the heart beat I thought that it seemed pretty fast so I asked if it was suppose to be that way. Rea said that yes and that it was a perfectly healthy heart beat. Ohhh I could have listened to that sound for the whole day! In fact I kept "hearing" it over and over again for the rest of the day and kept smiling whenever I thought about it.

When she first got me to lay down she rolled her fingers across my belly to feel where the baby was. I got so excited that she could feel it and I used the same technique to find the baby. It was awesome. Then she used the stathoscope to hear the baby's heart beat. When we were done Rea gave us a referral for an ultrasound. She told us it was to make sure how far along I am and that I am not carrying twins! She explained that my uterus was a little higher than it should be for 13 weeks. So next week we are going to "see" our peanut! By the way I don't think we are having twins and if I am wrong than I am going to be happy either way. So this was definitely one of the most awesome days ever.

Yesterday was another great day. I went to Lululemon in Oakville and then I stumbled into this beautiful little store called Akasha's Den. It was filled with:

Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls
Feng Shui chimes and water fountains
Himalayan salt lamps
Indonesian pottery and carvings
Drums and masks
Native Canadian dream catchers
Healing wands, stones and crystals
Pendulums and gemstone jewelry

It was so calming and energizing to walk around the shelves and look at all the beautiful pieces. Every single thing was filled with high vibration energy and it just felt uplifting. I knew I wanted to buy something for the baby there. I want the baby to grow up with healing, beautiful objects to inspire inner growth and creativity. I know I won't be filling its room with plastic or other low quality materials and I will pay attention to Feng Shui so that it can feel really good there. Few things drew my attention especially these pretty blue lace agate crystals. The owner told me that many kids who come to the store are drawn to it. She said that she just ordered agate crystal wind chimes to come in and I absolutely fell in love with them. I will have to go back and get them. I also liked the himalayan salt lamp that cleanses and ionizes the air improving its quality and enhances peace and quiet. The lamp also looks so pretty! I think the baby will enjoy gazing at its gently glowing light.

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