Sunday, February 8, 2009

Raw Bruschetta

My husband Armando made this today. It is simple and delicious. Here is his recipe:


3 or 4 tomatoes, diced

1/2 small red onion, diced

6 or more black olives, pitted and sliced

1 garlic clove

Basil (4 or more leaves or dried)

1 Tblsp olive oil

sea salt to taste

Mix all ingredients together and serve over dehydrated onion bread, flax crackers or enjoy on its own.
I love it when men can make raw food dishes. Armando has been so great in the kitchen creating new recipes that we haven't done before. We both love simplicity. Fresh hummus and seasonal veggies go a long way or a plate of seasonal fruit and some tea. Armando has made an amazing guacamole this week and we both loved it so much he made another batch one after the other. We also bought a lot of fruit including Asian pears. They are a cross between a pear and an apple, and are very crispy and fresh.
I am still drawn to all of the raw food dishes and I am happy that I don't have any aversions to any of my favourite things. Yes that happens to a lot of ladies so I hear. Many can't look salad in the eye but I love all of my fruit, veggies, nuts, grains and spices. I am 100% raw for most of the week with an occasional dish of cooked organic rice pasta or sauteed vegetables. I feel amazing after eating living foods and that is probably why I crave them. I feel my body is cleansed from doing the master raw food cleanse back in November so its easier to eat high vibrational foods. When our bodies are filled with junk and low vibrational foods that is what we end up craving. Like attracts like. I have been craving papaya salad from my favourite Thai restaurant and ordered it to go on a couple of occasions. I figured I must have been craving not only papaya, which is filled with enzymes but also garlic that is in the salad. In fact I have been making a lot of green salads with olive oil, lemon and garlic dressing. I have been drinking lots of smoothies too but not any green ones recently. Next week I am back to green smoothies and I am going to start juicing too.
I am still feeling very sleeeeepy especially around 1pm and 6pm. I find it interesting how the sleeping patterns change so early on in pregnancy. Almost immediately you start waking up 2 or 3 times during the night to go to the bathroom. So you are not getting a full night sleep. This prepares you to be awake for the feedings at night when the baby comes. I guess better start now then last minute-that would be so much harder! I take a lot of naps...sometimes two a day. Its funny too because I am out cold for 30min which seems like forever..but then the middle of the night I am wide awake. Oh the joys of being pregnant! This is week 11 for me and my baby is a size of a lime. All of the major organs are completed and the last touch ups like fingernails and toenails are being created! Isn't that great?

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