Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 8 on the Raw Food Cleanse at 38 weeks/2days pregnant

I almost feel guilty for feeling this good! Again as always my 7 day Raw Food Cleanse has turned into another 7 days. It feels way too good to eat all raw to stop now. For anyone wondering if there is a difference between eating 85% raw and 100% raw there is a big one. Firstly, there are no cravings at all for cooked, sugary or junk foods. Your system is so clean that you end up craving only raw foods. Your energy is even higher and you feel even happier and better on all levels. So why stop now? My goal is to go into labour with no junk food clogging my system as it will just slow my body down and perhaps change the birthing experience. I want to go into labour with clean and energized body and mind.

Few days ago I met my mom for lunch at the Apricot Tree Cafe in Mississauga. Its one of those places that make everything from scratch and use organic ingredients. We both ordered their signature salad. It had crisp garden greens topped with dried apricots, blue cheese, shredded carrots and toasted almonds in a citrus Apricot tree dressing. It was so deliscious especially the citrus/dill dressing, which they were selling and we both ended up taking some home. I have been making similar salads at home varying the ingredients because that's what makes it more fun. I just love raspberries and apples as it makes it taste fresh and summery. It was good to see my mom and catch up. She is very encouraging especially about natural childbirth. She had me and my brother without any drugs.

This made me think about labour pain. In my hypnobirthing studies the pain is referred to as pressure waves or surges. Whatever you want to call it and no matter how much you prepare yourself mentally you still wonder...what kind of sensations are there? How can you classify the pain? Is it similar to period cramps (dull and achy?) or is it more piercing and sharp like a toothache?

I find it helpful to remember that childbirth pain is like no other pain. It serves a purpose-it is not there to injure you but to bring the baby out. For instance, toothache or a nerve pain is unproductive as it doesn't bring you anything at the end. So the more you embrace the sensations in labour, the more you stay aware, the more you breath through them and focus on them the easier it gets. We all know about fear-tension-pain cycle and that is what we want to avoid.

I find it interesting how everyone classifies childbirth pain differently. When I did my research asking around, reading different forums, etc. there is as many opinions as there is women. Nobody's experience is exactly the same but there are some common threads in all. From what I gather perception and mindset plays a big role. So do other factors such as how much you prepared for labour and birth during pregnancy, what kind of support system you have, where are you going to birth and what your intentions are.

Lately I go to these websites if I have any questions or if I want to read up on birth stories:


Find it helpful and fun! I hope you do too :)

And finally here are my stats:

Week 1-8: 124 pounds
Week 8-12: 124 pounds
Week 12-16: 125 pounds
Week 16-20: 127 pounds
Week 21: 127 pounds
Week 22: 127 pounds
Week 23: 130 pounds
Week 24-25: 130 pounds
Week 26-28: 132 pounds
Week 29-30: 135 pounds
Week 31: 137 pounds
Week 32: 138 pounds
Week 33-34: 139pounds
Week 35: 140 pounds
Week 36:143 pounds
Week 37:144 pounds (started to feel a bit too heavy here)
Week 38: 142 pounds (back to this after 7 day Raw Food Cleanse and feeling great)

Total: 18 pounds gained

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dominique - just wanted to drop by and say good luck for the birth! I have been following you through, I think , your whole pregnancy - my son was born five months ago so we were pregnant at the same time for a while ;) I have loved your positive, upbeat approach - its inspiring. I'm sure your birth will be amazing, your yoga training, your good health and your open mind to however it happens are a recipe for success. Blessings xx
