Friday, January 8, 2010

Two Months Old

October 29, 2009

My sweet pumpkin pie,

You are two months old today. I cannot tell you enough how much we enjoy spending our time getting to know you, loving you and watching you grow. You are even more alert now and still very curious about everything around you. You want to look at lights, pictures, nature and study people's faces.

You are also making a lot of cooing sounds and are having tons of conversations with others. You love to connect with daddy when he gets back from work. You tell him all about your day with mama. It is so sweet to see you both immersed in a loving exchange. You are daddy's little girl and mommy's sweet angel. I thank you so much for coming to the world and making us a family.

At two months you have done so much discovering. You have came with me to Mom and Baby Yoga classes. You love to look at other babies and listen to meditation music. You even nap sometimes probably because of the music. I really enjoy all the baby yoga routines we do and baby massage. You seem to like when I massage you, stretch your little limbs, stroke your back and kiss and cuddle you as I go through my own practice. Our yoga practice is such a great way to get to know you, your body language and your behaviour. I love that we do yoga together just as we have done for 9 months of pregnancy. I think you are going to be a yoga star!You love going outside and as we go to the park you look at the sky and the trees. Then you fall asleep being rocked by the steady rhythm of a moving stroller. I smile at you and talk to you the entire time. I am so happy and fulfilled. I cannot belive that I actually sing to you and you don't mind. I love holding you. I love seeing wonder in your eyes as you observe things.

You started to sleep longer. You let us sleep through the night and give us 7-9hours of uninterrupted sleep. It feels good to know you enjoy your rest and trust us-so do we! I still continue to love sleeping with you. As we fall asleep I hold your little hand and you look so tiny in our big bed. I love waking up and seeing your little face next to mine. Its such a great feeling to see you first thing when I wake up. You still never cry and only get fussy sometimes but we are very good with knowing your needs. You just make it so easy for us. All you need is love, food and sleep and you are happy. Such low maintenance baby you are!

If I have learned one thing over the years is that nobody enjoys tired, stressed out and overwhelmed mother. I am so happy to be able to give you fresh and energized self. You can be secure and stable knowing that your mom is thriving too on this journey of motherhood.
Thank you for being you, for choosing us to be your parents, for making our lives richer and deeper on all levels. I will always do my best to guide you with love and patience on your path.

Love always,

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