Saturday, July 25, 2009

Birthing ball for pregnancy, labour and birth.

Birthing ball is just a simple excercise ball that comes in three different sizes most common being 65cm. In pregnancy sitting on the ball feels amazing as it relieves pressure in the pelvis, lower back and the cervix. It came very handy for me as I moved into my 36th week. My baby girl went through a growth spurt and dropped even lower into my pelvis in preparation for birth. I am constantly amazed with the wisdom and intelligence of the women's body. It is marvelous to see how the body changes and adapts to accommodate the growing baby! My little girl was already head down at 30 weeks but it felt nothing comparing to her position now. She is so low I sometimes think she's going to fall out. Her descend was marked with increased pressure on my pubic bone and cervix. Also she is still pressing on my bladder! The hormone relaxin has kicked in again making my hips and pubic bone quite achy for a while. What has helped me so much was getting and sitting on the birthing ball. I have it right in front of my computer and use it instead of the chair. I can sway my hips from side to side, which feels wonderful and the gravity takes a lot of pressure away. I can really see how the ball will come handy in labour. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant get your birthing ball-it will make you so much more comfortable and happy.


  1. Once your little girl is born, you will appreciate the ball again. You can wear her in a swing and be working on your computer while rocking her to sleep.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. What a great idea! I can't wait to do that.
