Saturday, June 20, 2009

31 weeks pregnant!

Wow I didn't realize that so much time has passed since my last entry! I guess when I last posted I was at 27 weeks. Time has been flying by and I have been so busy with mostly teaching and enjoying my pregnancy. I am in my 3rd trimester now and feel better than ever.

I can't believe how much energy I have and how amazing I feel every day. I always thought that towards the end it gets more challenging with the weight gain and many other discomforts they mention in the books. Actually it is crazy how when you open almost any pregnancy book it starts with a long, long list of how you are going to suffer in each trimester. There are pages and pages of different discomforts you are expected to get, it is quite scary what kind of messages they put into women's heads. There needs to be more pregnancy books that should talk about how great you will feel only if you eat healthy (preferably high raw) and exercise and practice positive thinking. I do believe that as we progress on the path of consciousness evolution and our spiritual journey we will all live more healthy and happy lives. It all starts with us and our belief system. Same applies to birth. There is a lot of fear surrounding labour and birth and many mothers don't know any better but to expect total trauma from the birthing experience. It is time that we opened up to a different philosophy, that which supports the view that the birth is a natural, beautiful and a transformational event. And as women we need to get educated and empowered so that we can fully participate in the miracle of our baby's birth not give the power away to someone else.

There is a wonderful movie out there called "Orgasmic Birth", which inspired a quite interesting movement within prenatal care system. If you haven't seen it yet and you are pregnant or wanting to get pregnant it is a must to see. For a preview visit:
and it will change your view on how birth can be blissful and ecstatic. I have showed this movie in my prenatal yoga class to all of the moms and will continue to support the view of gentle birth choices so that eventually the society as a whole will support this sacred and empowering process that is labour and birth. In my city there were a few screenings organized in the local libraries to educate health care providers and mothers to be on orgasmic birth. If you are a doula or a prenatal yoga teacher or a birth educator I encourage you to become a part of the orgasmic birth movement. It will change the way we bring our babies into the world, which in turn will change their experience for the years to come.

So yes I have been busy, busy, busy with teaching prenatal yoga, doing all kinds of research on gentle birth choices, and putting together a few prenatal yoga workshops. I have been also practicing hypnobirthing and in that way visualizing a natural birth. My husband and I have solidify the decision on having a home water birth. Here is a picture of us taking a walk by the lake, me at 7 months pregnant.

And another picture of me doing Dancer's Pose also at 7 months. Having done yoga every day for my entire pregnancy and eating high raw diet has given me an incredible energy, enthusiasm, and a deep bond with my body and my baby. Now at 31 weeks I am weighting 135 pounds and feel amazing.


  1. Love your pics sweetie - you look so beautiful. Loving the blog too and congratulations on being preggers! you look so gorgeous in the seaside photo! I just had my first baby, a little boy called Marlow and I really enjoy reading other mummy stories online. by the way if you are still looking for names the name search thingy at is really helpful (and fun)Hope its a help and sending very best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy xxxx Jo

  2. Thank you so much bounty! Congrats on your baby boy and thank you for the name website. I know her first name but still looking for a good middle name :)

  3. Found your blog when I was searching for information on being 31 weeks pregnant - which I am now.

    I feel pretty good too - which I'm surprised by - after reading so much about how awful the 3rd trimester can be. I think it has everything to do with nutrition!

    Congrats on your should be getting very close now to meeting your new addition!
